Comparison between time- and observation-based Gaussian process regression models for global horizontal irradiance forecasting
Partner: UPVD Authors: Shab Gbémou, Julien Eynard, Stéphane Thil, Stéphane Grieu Publicacion access...

Use of resonant terms in a 2DOF Control Scheme for the Current Control of an Active Power filter
Partner: UCLM Authors: Fco. Javier López Alcolea, Emilio J. Molina-Martínez, Javier Vázquez, Pedro...

A survey of recent advances in the smart management of microgrids and networked microgrids, Smart Grids and Microgrids Special Issue
Partner: UPVD Authors: Romain Mannini, Julien Eynard, Stéphane Grieu Publicacion access here. Microgrids...

Discrete control with nested regulators for the current injected into the grid with a single-phase inverter and an LCL filter
Partner: UCLM Authors: E.J. Molina Martínez, F.J. López-Alcolea, A. Parreño Torres, Ismael Payo,...

Detection and compensation of current harmonics in a microgrid using an active power filter with an IoT sensor network
Partner: UCLM Authors: F.J. López-Alcolea, E.J. Molina Martínez, J. Vázquez, A. Parreño Torres,...

Combined integration of cooling, heating and renewable energy storage in a public building – Improvement Sudoe project.
Partner: LNEG Authors: Loureiro, D.; Correia, J.; Facão, J.; Rodrigues, C.; Aelenei, L....

Integration of renewable energy system, micro-grid and energy efficiency solutions in public building.
Partner: LNEG Authors: D. Loureiro, J. Correia, L. Aelenei, J. Facão, C. Rodrigues...

The central role of data repositories and data models in Data Science and Advanced Analytics
Partner: ENSMA Authors: Ladjel Bellatreche, Carlos Ordonez, Dominique Méry, Matteo Golfarelli, El Hassan Abdelwahed Publicacion access here....

IoT Cloud-Based Power Quality Extended Functionality for Grid-Interactive Appliance Controllers.
Partner: UCO Authors: Joaquin Garrido-Zafra, Aurora R. Gil-de-Castro, Rafael Savariego-Fernandez , Matias Linan-Reyes...

Resilience-oriented schedule of microgrids with hybrid energy storage system using model predictive control
Partner: CNH2 Authors: Javier Tobajas, Felix Garcia-Torres, Pedro Roncero-Sánchez, Javier Vázquez, Ladjel Bellatreche,...